Create a Chatbot

Step 1: Create a Chatbot

Go to YCloud > ChatBot, and set up the basic configuration for the ChatBot:

  1. ChatBot Name

  2. How will the ChatBot respond when it does not understand the customer's intent?

    • Do not reply to the customer

    • Auto-reply with a message (text message/media message/interactive message)

  3. After setting up the Chatbot configuration, click Ok to complete the creation

Step 2: Configure the Chatbot to Take Over a WhatsApp Number

It is recommended to configure this step after creating a Chatbot Flow.

Operation path: Enter WhatsApp accounts > Settings > Assignment

Select Chatbot, and click + Add a Chatbot

Select a created Chatbot, and configure the takeover time for the Chatbot. During the configured time, the conversation will be prioritized for the Chatbot to reply.

After configuration:

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