How Sales Teams Use Inbox

Best practices for sales teams

Inbox, as a powerful tool, can significantly enhance the efficiency of sales teams and the effectiveness of customer management. Here are the best practices to help sales teams fully leverage the advantages of Inbox.

Sales Leaders

Creation of WABA Account and Invitation of Sales

  • Create a WABA account

  • Assign a phone number to each salesperson and add it to the WABA account

  • Invite salespeople to the sales role

This setup ensures isolation of customer information among salespeople while allowing the company to manage all sales' customers.

Setting Up Allocation Rules

  • Configure each number with its corresponding salesperson, select the allocation rule "automatically allocate new conversations to people in the list, regardless of their online status," and add the corresponding salesperson to the list.

  • Enable advanced allocation rules: When a conversation comes in, it will check if the customer has an Owner. If an Owner exists, the conversation will be forcibly allocated to that Owner.

This setup allows conversations to be automatically allocated to the corresponding salesperson, ensuring that bulk-imported customers are allocated to the designated salesperson based on the Owner.

Setting Up Automation (Optional)

Configure automated welcome messages and automatic message replies for numbers according to business needs. Refer to Automation for details.

Setting Number Names

Each number should be named: xxx brand-sales xxx

This gives a professional and trustworthy impression.

Setting Up Tags

Set up enterprise-wide tags to help manage and categorize customers. Categorize customers based on factors such as the source of potential customers, purchase intent, and communication stage. Set appropriate tags for different categories of customers, such as "High Intent," "Medium Intent," "Low Intent," etc. Also, set response priorities based on customer categories to ensure high-intent customers receive the most timely responses.

Setting Up Contact Attributes

Define information for key follow-up records and add it as a contact attribute. For example, define "Notes" with a "text" field. Salespeople can record this information during chats to better understand customer information.

Importing Customers

Bulk import customers and assign them to the corresponding salesperson by configuring the owner field.


Adding Your Own Customers in Contact

Add customers manually or through bulk import.

PS: Salespeople can only see conversations assigned to them and those with their own Owner.

Making the Most of Customer Details

Avoid templated responses, record important customer information during communication, and make full use of the customer information already recorded in Inbox to provide personalized solutions and suggestions, making customers feel valued and cared for.

Promote the Chat Links and QR codes associated with your personal number on various social platforms.

Last updated