Automatically Add Customers to Unsubscribe List

Automatically identify customer unsubscribe intentions through YCloud Chatbot, allowing customers to unsubscribe and automatically add them to the unsubscribe list, avoiding direct complaints to WhatsApp. This will effectively prevent your WhatsApp account from being banned.


When a customer's message to unsubscribe is received, the Chatbot automatically asks the customer if they confirm they want to unsubscribe, and for those who confirm a second time, adds them to the unsubscribe list.

Step 1: Log in to your YCloud account and create a Chatbot Flow

Step 2: Add unsubscribe trigger keywords

Recommendation: Set multiple unsubscribe keywords and choose "Containing" rather than "Exact matching". This way, any keyword in the list will trigger the Chatbot. After setting up, click the save button.

Step 3: Confirm customer's unsubscribe intention (optional)

Strongly recommend adding this step to avoid customers mistakenly entering the unsubscribe list. You can choose to use the "Ask a question" component to ask the customer: "Please confirm if you want to unsubscribe from messages?"

Detailed steps:

  1. Select the "Ask a question" component

  1. Choose the Buttons message format

  1. Set the inquiry content: "Please confirm if you want to unsubscribe from messages?"

  • Set two options for the Button

    • Yes, I want to unsubscribe from your messages

    • No, I clicked by mistake

  • After setting up, click Save

  1. Connect the Keyword trigger to the Ask a question component after setting up

Step 4: Add to Unsubscribe List

  1. Add the Unsubscribe component

  1. You can choose whether to automatically reply with a successful unsubscribe message. If needed, click the Auto-reply switch on the right and enter the auto-reply content below, then select Save to save.

  1. Connect the "Yes, I want to unsubscribe" button from the Ask a question component to the Unsubscribe component

Step 5: Add a Send messages text (optional)

Add a Send messages text component and connect it to the "No, I clicked by mistake" button

Step 6: Save and activate the Chatbot

After editing the Chatbot template, click Save in the upper right corner, and in the pop-up window, click Active > Save to instantly activate the unsubscribe Chatbot. When a customer triggers the unsubscribe keyword, the Chatbot will automatically add this number to the unsubscribe list and display it in the Contact > Unsubscribe list.

Last updated