Zero-Click Authentication Template

The Zero-Tap Authentication Template allows your users to receive one-time passwords or codes via WhatsApp without leaving your application.

When a user in your app requests a password or code and you provide that password or code using the Zero-Tap Authentication Template, the WhatsApp client simply broadcasts the included password or code, which your app can capture immediately using a broadcast receiver.

From the user's perspective, they request a password or code in your app, and it automatically appears in your app. If your app users happen to be viewing messages in the WhatsApp client, they will only see a message displaying the default pinned text: <code> is your verification code.

Like the One-Tap Autofill Button Authentication Template, when the WhatsApp client receives a template message containing the user's password or code, we perform a series of eligibility checks. If the message fails this check and we cannot broadcast the password or code, the message will display a One-Tap Autofill Button or Copy Code button. Therefore, when you create a Zero-Tap Authentication Template, you must include One-Tap Autofill and Copy Code buttons in the post body payload, even if the user may never see one of the buttons.


Zero-Tap is only supported on Android. If you send a Zero-Tap Authentication Template to a WhatsApp user with a non-Android device, WhatsApp will display a Copy Code button.

URLs, media, and emojis are not supported.

Template Creation

Example Request Creation via API (Copy Code)

Manually Create via YCloud Console

Create Template

Sending Authentication Template Messages

Use YCloud WhatsApp API to send authentication template messages.

Please note that if you are sending an authentication template with a One-Tap Autofill Button, you must first initiate a handshake between your app and WhatsApp Messenger or WhatsApp Business. See the handshake below.

Last updated