Add Numbers

Register additional phone numbers on an existing WABA

Step 1:

Go to the WhatsApp accounts page, select the WABA to which you want to add numbers

Click the +Phone numbers button

Step 2:

Enter the number information:

  1. WhatsApp Business display name: This name is the number name which will display to users. It should be related to the company name or brand name.

  2. Industry attribute: Select the industry.

  3. Business profile (optional): Describe the profile of this number.

Step 3:

Enter the phone number, then click Continue.

Step 4:

Enter the verification code received on the phone number, then click Verify to complete the connecting.

Further Reading

After connecting the number, it is recommended to set up the number profile

Phone Number Profile Settings

Common Issues:

Binding Failure

If the binding fails, you can determine the cause of the error based on the prompt, which may include:

  1. The maximum number of bindable numbers has been reached. Unverified businesses can only bind up to 2 phone numbers. If you need to bind more, please complete the business verification.

  2. The number has already been registered with WhatsApp.

    1. This number may already be registered with the WhatsApp app or WhatsApp Business app. It is recommended to change the number or unregister it within the app. Note: Chat history will not be transferred after unregistration.

    2. WhatsApp Business API account. It is recommended to migrate this number rather than adding it anew.

Unable to Receive Verification Code

Try using a voice call to receive the verification code. If you still cannot receive it, it is recommended to change to a new number.

WABA Migration

Last updated