Analyze Campaign Data

After completing the campaign, you can view the delivery status and response data in the backend.

Step 1

Log in to your YCloud account, navigate to Campaign > Action > Analytics

Step 2

  • Click on Analytics to view campaign-related data such as: Sent; Processing; Delivered; Failed; Read and Replied data;

  • Click Export to download the relevant data for analysis.



The total number of messages sent for this campaign


The number of messages that remain in processing status after being sent. Processing indicates that the message has been sent but has not yet been successfully received by the terminal, possibly due to network issues or the app not being opened.


Messages that have been successfully received by the terminal after being sent


Messages that failed to send. There are various reasons for failure, click the ? next to the Failed status to view specific reasons


Messages that have been read by the end-user


Messages that were replied to by the end-user within 24 hours of successful receipt

Last updated