Update order status

Before updating the order status

Before updating the order status, make sure the order has been paid. YCloud will push you the paid status via this webhook.

You will receive updates when the status of the user-initiated transaction changes. It occurs when the payment status changes to captured (when the payment is successfully completed), or pending (when the user attempts but has yet to receive a successful transaction signal).


  "id": "evt_eEkn26qar3nOB8md",
  "type": "whatsapp.payment.updated",
  "apiVersion": "v2",
  "createTime": "2024-10-10T07:08:00.000Z",
  "whatsappPayment": {
    "wabaId": "WABA-ID",
    "referenceId": "<reference-id>",
    "status": "captured | pending",
    "transactions": [
        "id": "<transaction-id>",
        "type": "billdesk | payu | razorpay | zaakpay",
        "status": "pending | success | failed",
        "createdTimestamp": 1728544066000,
        "updatedTimestamp": 1728544066000,
        "amount": {
          "value": 21000,
          "offset": 100
        "currency": "INR",
        "methodType": "upi | card | wallet | netbanking",
        "error": {
          "code": "error-code",
          "reason": "error-reason"

Order status enumeration value



User has not successfully paid yet


User payment authorized, merchant/partner is fulfilling the order, performing service, etc.


A portion of the products in the order have been shipped by the merchant


All the products in the order have been shipped by the merchant


The order is completed and no further action is expected from the user or the partner/merchant


The partner/merchant would like to cancel the order_details message for the order/invoice. The status update will fail if there is already a successful or pending payment for this order_details message

How to notify customers about changes in order status?

You can notify customers by sending an Order Status Updates template when an order is comfirmed or shipped.

e.g. When an order has been shipped, you can send an Order Status Updates template to the customer, informing them about the updated status.

Create order status update template

The prerequisite is that you have linked your payment account.

  1. Create via api

api doc: https://docs.ycloud.com/reference/whatsapp_template-create

create example: https://docs.ycloud.com/reference/whatsapp-template-creation-examples#order-status-template

  1. Create on YCloud

Visit https://www.ycloud.com/console/#/app/dashboard/template

Send Order status updates message

api: https://docs.ycloud.com/reference/whatsapp_message-send-directly


curl 'https://api.ycloud.com/v2/whatsapp/messages/sendDirectly' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-API-Key: {{YOUR-API-KEY}}' \
-d '{
  "from": "{{BUSINESS-PHONE-NUMBER}}",
  "type": "template",
  "template": {
    "name": "order_status_template",
    "language": {
      "policy": "deterministic",
      "code": "en_US"
    "components": [
        "type": "order_status",
        "parameters": [
            "type": "order_status",
            "order_status": {
              "reference_id": "<reference_id_value>",
              "order": {
                "status": "processing | partially_shipped | shipped | completed | canceled",
                "description": "<OPTIONAL_DESCRIPTION>"

Last updated

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