Create Click to WhatsApp Ad (CTWA)

Learn the simple steps to set up your first Click-to-WhatsApp ad campaign.

Step 1: Create a WhatsApp Business API Account via YCloud

You cannot use a personal WhatsApp number to handle ad traffic. Before creating a Click-to-WhatsApp ad in the Ad Manager, create a WhatsApp Business API account via YCloud.

👇 Learn how to create a WhatsApp Business API account

Step 2: Connect the WhatsApp Business API Number to Your Facebook Page

Meta requires the Facebook Page to be linked to the WhatsApp API account before creating a Click-to-WhatsApp ad:

  • Ensure you have admin permissions for the Facebook Page

  • Navigate to Facebook Page > Click “Settings” (top right) > Select WhatsApp

  • Enter your WhatsApp Business phone number and click “Continue”

  • Enter the verification code received, and the binding is successful

Additionally, if you wish to run ad campaigns on Instagram, you should also link your Instagram account to the Facebook Page.

After completing the above steps, you can start setting up your first Click-to-WhatsApp ad.

Step 3: Set Up a Click-to-WhatsApp Ad in Facebook Ad Manager

1. Open Facebook Ad Manager

Visit your Facebook Ad Manager and click “Create” to begin.

2. Choose a Campaign Objective

To use with WhatsApp, you can choose “Traffic,” “Engagement,” or “Sales.” In this example, we choose “Engagement.”

Select Campaign Objective

3. Fill in the relevant basic information to create your ad campaign. This includes:

  • Naming your ad campaign

  • Declaring if you have special ad categories, such as recruitment

  • Defining whether to conduct A/B testing on the ads

Create Ad Campaign

4. Configure Ad Set Details

  • Conversion location: Select “Messaging apps”

  • Ad type: Select “Click to message”

  • Facebook Page: Choose your Facebook Page

  • Messaging Apps: Select WhatsApp.

You will only see the WhatsApp number after completing Step 2: Connect the WhatsApp Business API Account to Your Facebook Page.

Conversion location
Select WhatsApp Number

5. Choose Your Audience, Placements, Budget, and Schedule

Refer to the Facebook Ads Documentation for a comprehensive understanding of bidding strategies.

Now that you have successfully selected the campaign objective and budget, click “Next” and define the ad set for this campaign.

6. Set Up Ad Creatives

Here is a 5-point checklist to optimize ad creatives and media placements for the best results:

  • Edit specific ad placements on Facebook and Instagram to adjust image sizes. You can also convert a set of images into a video slideshow to increase click-through rates.

  • Add primary text and headlines to your Click To WhatsApp ad. You can add up to five primary text options and headlines.

  • Add a description to your ad for more details and context.

  • Choose a CTA button for your WhatsApp ad. You can select from multiple available CTAs.

  • Preview the ad in advanced preview. This is how the ad will look in each media placement on Facebook and Instagram feeds.

7. Create and Preview Message Templates

Click “New” and create a welcome message template to chat quickly after people click your ad.

Welcome Message Template

8. Publish Your Ad

Facebook will now review your ad. Once approved, it will go live based on your targeting.

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Last updated