Owner Assignment Settings (Agent/Sales Assignment)

Owner is the email address of the assignee. In Contact, each customer can be assigned one Owner, primarily used for sales attribution. In YCloud's products, when a message is received in the Inbox, conversations can be allocated based on customer assignment.

How to Set Up Owner?

Method 1: Editing in Contact

Locate the customer's information in Contact, click to expand the editing page.

Find the Owner setting item and set the Owner.

Enter the Owner's email address and click save, also supporting dropdown selection of existing Agents (Agents in Inbox)

Method 2: Setting Owner in Inbox

After logging into Inbox, expand the user information bar. Click Owner, select the desired Owner to transfer, and the transfer is completed instantly.

Method 3: Bulk Import of Customer Information with Owner

Click Contact > Contact list > + New contacts > Upload a file

Click [Download Template] to download the template

Edit the template. Save and upload to YCloud.

After uploading, confirm that the matching fields are correct, then click [Next]

Confirm the number of successfully uploaded items, click [Next]

Complete the upload

Method 4: API Upload

API Documentation:

Owner Field: OwnerEmail

Not required, must input the assignee's email address

Last updated