Enterprise Account Information

In the "Account Settings", you can provide basic information about your account's enterprise, including your account ID, company name, website, tax number, industry, and billing address.

Account settings are visible and editable only when the role is Administrator

Account ID

This is the unique identifier assigned to your enterprise. The account ID helps YCloud distinguish different enterprises.

Company Name

This is the name of your enterprise or brand, which will be displayed on your YCloud account. If you log in as a user belonging to different accounts, you can switch accounts. Path: Avatar > switch account Click to switch accounts

Tax Number

The unique identification number for your enterprise used for tax declaration and tax management.

Official Website

You can enter the URL of your enterprise's website.


The primary business area or economic classification your enterprise is engaged in.

Billing Address

The mailing address for receiving bills, used for sending invoices and expense details.

Last updated