Green Tick Verification

Green tick verification, also known as the green badge verification, is the official business account (OBA) verification by WhatsApp, used to confirm the existence of a well-known brand.

If a WhatsApp account is an official business account, a green checkmark will appear next to the display name in the contact view.

Additionally, successful green tick certification will effectively enhance the stability of the account.


The standards for WhatsApp official business accounts (OBA) are determined based on numerous factors and differ from policies on other platforms. In addition to adhering to the following WhatsApp commerce policy and business policy, businesses must also:

  • Be a well-known merchant: Represent a well-known company, a frequently searched brand, or entity

  • Be verified: Have passed company verification

  • Set up two-factor authentication (2FA): Have set up two-step verification.

  • The conversation limits achieve above 1,000/per day

Applying for the Green Tick (OBA)

Please follow the instructions below to apply for an official business account:

Access WhatsApp Manager from your Business Manager. Click on the phone number you want to apply OBA for in the β€œOverview” section

Enable two-step verification for that phone number to apply for OBA. Please note that you need to complete business verification and display name approval before you can apply for OBA

  • If you have not set up two-factor authentication for the phone number you want to verify, please enable it.

  • If you have not completed business verification, please refer to Business Verification for more information

Click the submit request button and fill in the required information.

  • You can submit up to 5 supporting links, especially from well-known publications (such as The Times of India, The Economic Times, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Wikipedia, Business Insider), to indicate that the business is well-known, which helps to determine notability.

  • Fields such as operating country, parent company or brand (especially well-known brands), and primary language can help further understand your brand.

After WhatsApp reviews your request, you will receive a notification informing you whether your account has been granted OBA. If your request is rejected, you can submit a new request after 30 days.

WhatsApp does not grant OBA to business employees, test accounts, and WhatsApp Business App accounts; it is currently only available to users of the WhatsApp Business Platform.

Understanding Notability

Notability requires a business to have a well-known and frequently searched brand or entity.

On the other hand, notability reflects significant presence in online news articles. The assessment of notability is based on the presence of the account in news articles from publications with large audiences. Paid or promotional content (including merchant or app listings) is not considered as a review source.

OBA is awarded at the phone number and display name level. The notability of the display name of the business account applying for OBA status is evaluatedβ€”if the display name is changed after obtaining OBA status, the notability and display name compliance of the new display name will need to be re-evaluated.

Additionally, previous OBA approvals in WhatsApp business accounts do not guarantee that other numbers (with different display names) associated with that account will also be approved. If your WABA includes a primary parent brand and the phone number associated with that brand meets the notability requirements, we recommend updating the display name of the sub-brand as follows: β€œ{{sub-brand name}} by {{notable name}}”.

OBA Application Rejected

Businesses can continue to expand their influence and wait 30 days before submitting another official business account application. As mentioned above, establishing a presence in news coverage may take some time.

If your OBA request is rejected, it means that WhatsApp's team has carefully reviewed your account, and unfortunately, your account does not currently qualify for OBA. Currently, these decisions cannot be appealed.

Last updated