Create a Journey

The following is a brief introduction on how to create a Journey. For detailed component introductions, please visit the Component and Function Introduction.

Step 1: Enter Journey

Entry: Journey

Step 2: Create a New Journey

After clicking the Create Journey button, you can choose to create from a template or custom a Journey.

Step 3: Set Activity Name

Step 4: Set Trigger

The Trigger is the activator for this Journey and will only be successfully triggered if all conditions in the Trigger are met.

Setting ItemFunctionRequired


Select a condition that, when met by the user, will trigger the event


Sender: Subscriber Settings

Select the WhatsApp account used to send messages to customers. (Subsequent templates will be selected from the WABA associated with this number)



Set user conditions. If not set, no user judgment is made. If conditions are set, the customer is judged against these conditions when the event occurs, and will be triggered if the conditions are met


Filter Unsubscribed Customers

If opened, customers on the unsubscribed list will be filtered out. If closed, unsubscribed customers will not be filtered


Customer Trigger Limit


  1. One user triggers only once

  2. Every time a user meets the conditions, it triggers


Step 5: Design the Flow

Drag and connect components to design the flow according to your business scenario. Specific component functions can be found in the Component Introduction.

Step 6: Save and Activate Journey

After completing the settings, click the Save button in the upper right corner.

  • Set Journey Goals and Exit Rules (Optional)

  • Set the Journey status to Active

After setting, click the Save button in the popup.

If there are errors in the component settings during saving, you can check the error prompts in the upper right corner of the red-framed components, modify them, and then click the check button in the upper right corner to check.

Last updated